Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vacation - Day 1

Well, yesterday went so-so. This is Bridget & Katie's last week of Summer Vacation. School starts way too early.

I had planned on getting a new driver's license (to replace the one that was stolen). Guess what? All the license branches are closed on Monday! What's one more day driving without a license? meh...

We went to library to replace Bridget and my library card and get cards for Katie and Robby. That went much smoother. Plus, since my tote bag was stolen, I did not have to pay for the library book! That saved us $30. Woohoo! The library card have new designs, which Bridget & Katie were excited about. Robby got a cute "My First Library Card". It has a teddy bear, how cute is that?

We also went over to St Monica's playground. Bridget got to show Katie around her future recess playground. I think they had a great time and I got to read a little bit.

This afternoon, we are off to Joe's office and the zoo. I did not get Joe's lunch made so I figured we bring it to him and take our lunches so we can have a little family time.

Joe had golf last night, but still managed to get a piece of drywall hung in the master bedroom. He is close to having all the drywall hung. The last piece needs to wait until he finishes up some wiring in the crawlspace. It will be so nice to have it all done and be able to move back downstairs. I think the next project is the half-bath. A lot of tiling in there! The master bath will have to wait since there is some plumbing that needs to be re-worked.

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