Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I wish I were at home....

I wish I were a SAHM. I've said this I don't know how many times. Maybe it's because I really dislike this job. I sit here thinking of all the fun things I could be doing at. You know fun, like laundry and dishes. And while it's sunny out, like now, I could be weeding. I could get all the house work done and maybe, just maybe, have time on the weekend to do really fun stuff like sew. Or read. Or any of the numerous projects Joe and I have in mind. And I wouldn't be paying $1200 a month for daycare.

I'm sure it would take a while for me to get into my groove. The house wouldn't be spotless. There would still be dirty dishes. But I like to think that eventually, my house would be like clock-work. Especially after Bridget and Katie start back to school. I'd have my little morning routine: drop the girls off at school, come back home, get a load of laundry started, sit back with a cup of coffee and the morning Sudoku to watch HGTV (this of course, contingent upon getting cable!) while Robby would play with his toys or read books. I'd get the laundry put away (now there's a concept - put the laundry away into drawers/closets rather than letting it sit in the basket until desperately needed!) and work on a project for awhile - maybe sewing, scrap booking, or refinishing a table. After Robby and I enjoyed a nutritious lunch we would head to a park. Maybe even meet up with Kim and her kids. Afterwards, we'd pick up the girls from school (North Lot, of course!). I'd let the kids play outside for a while and then drag them in to do homework while I fixed dinner. Just think - we could eat dinner at 6 every night. Ahh... everyone needs a dream and that is mine. It won't happen in the near future, but it is nice to think about.


Laura L. said...

Oh yes, I know about that "leaving laundry in the basket until it's desperately needed" thing. :)

The kids look great!!

Rebecca (SewPixie) said...

Wait...you mean someone in our gene pool could actually put clothes away? I don't believe you. :)

KrazyKatz said...

I didn't make any promises! Supposedly, any behavior can be learned in 21 days!